The Research 2 course continues developing the practical aspects of your professional-level research competences in connection with English-language teaching. In this course, you are working on a state-of-the-art paper (treating the same topics as your theoretical-framework paper of the Research 1 course). Your work this semester forms the foundation for your work in the third-semester Research 3 course, and successfully completing the Research 2 course is a prerequisite for enrolling in the Research 3 course.


The purpose of this course is for you to reflect upon issues regarding oneself as an autonomous life-long learner and determine how to contribute to the development of your students’ autonomy. Throughout the course you will gain knowledge in regards to autonomy related to language learning and teaching, reflect upon your own development of autonomy and find out alternatives to foster it in your students. Some of the inquiries around which reflections, discussions, and actions during the course will be centered are: Why is autonomy important in the field of language teaching-learning? How autonomous am I as a teacher and learner? How do I know that? What strategies can I employ to become more autonomous? What strategies could be implemented in the language classroom to direct learners towards developing their own autonomy?

Setting Up and Optimising Language Resource Centres has been designed with the purpose of introducing you to the concept, characteristics and components of virtual language resource centers, also to focus on relevant aspects of autonomous learning environments, online collaboration, web 2.0 tools, and to explore ways in which the effectiveness of these centres can be evaluated.

Welcome to Reflective Teaching and Learning in Context. 

The objective of this course is to open a space of reflection that will enable you to analyze, discuss and evaluate critically all the methodological alternatives within your reach so that you can make informed decisions regarding your teaching practice from a theoretical and practical perspective, thinking globally and acting locally in response to the specific needs of your teaching context.